AIDS is Not the Enemy
December 29th, 2009
Scattered along the trail of time is hidden a track
Graveled and covered so as to obscure
Lives lost needlessly in battles not declared, and wherein
Immunization might have spared those souls. Whose camp
Issued the war cry, what enemy fights our cause
So noble, to preserve the race of
An honorable species capable of writing this line?
It is not from without we must seek our foe, but with
Lives constantly in anguish we must look within,
Address our antagonist on the very grounds
We know best - yet least - the cells of ourselves.
John B. Moss
18 May 1993
Barometric Readings
December 29th, 2009
Clear skies umbrella'd the horizon for days, with a
Little breeze to break the monotony. No sunnier
Or balmier time existed in recent memory, and a
Utopian view of the world was not uncommon. I
Doubt if many saw the first wisps of cloud in
Bloom, flowering quickly and blossoming darkly as
Urgently they filled an aerial reservoir with moist
Rain-specks and blotted out the sun until no
Soul could mistake the pending fury, nor
Take a chance on finding shelter from the storm.
So of course the rain ran itself out, a basic
Urgent squall, that washed the earth and all
Not-sheltered when the fury broke so
Suddenly. Then it was over. It was a
Hasty act, and certainly, a faster
Impersonation of contriteness has
Never been seen as the black
Envelope of clouds withdrew from the sky.
John B. Moss
14 October 1991
Composr - One Who Composes
December 7th, 2009
designr - if one who designs, then
erasr - suggests one who erases and
forerunnr - is one who foreruns; given
imbibr - as one who imbibes, then
notetakr - is one who takes notes, and
remindr - is one who reminds us, forevr.
John B. Moss
7 December 2009
Handy Spell Checker here - definr